Lily hardly helps her mother with the house work nowadays, ----?
The government has stepped ---- measures to curb wine flu.
They learned all their lines for the play -----.
He should arrive by six o'clock -----.
Find the correct option for the bracketed part : Most students like to read (these kind of books) during their spare time.
Find the correct option for the bracketed part : I have never heard (that kind of an excuse).
Find the correct option for the bracketed part : (If I would have known about) the traffic jam at Nilkhet, I would have taken an alternative route.
Choose the most nearly opposite to the word : Eligible
Choose the most nearly opposite to the word : Enclose
Choose the synonym of the following words : Mandatory
Linguistics is the science of :
A 'Philanthropist' is one who :
Where was Ernest Hemingway born?
Look far away ---- five minutes ---- every thirty minutes of reading or using the computer.
Choose the synonym of the following words : Resort