Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Agrani bank Ltd - Senior Officer - 12.08.2011
সকল বিষয়
The law is still in the force
The law is still in a body
The law is still in force
The law is still in full swing
The law is still in very valid
Your exercise of pouring hot water is not welcome.
Your exercise of powering cold water is not welcome.
Your exercise of pulling strings is not welcomed.
Your exercise of pulling the wool is not welcome.
Your exercise of saddling a pad is not welcome.
United Bank and Habib Bank
Habib Bank and Bank of Pakistan
United Bank and National Bank
Habib Bank and Commerce Bank
National Bank and United Bank
output 1 if any input is 1
output 1 if all inputs are 1
output 0 if any input is 1
Liquid crystalled document
have nothing recorded on them
permanently stores information without program
are erasable y special program
are erasable electrically
records data very fast without instruction
Retreating from extreme danger .
Declare war on each other .
Advancing to the stage of war but not engaging in it.
Man's soul and spirit can not be destroyed by the superpowers
Man's destiny is not fully clear and visible .
Human society will survive despite the serious threat of total annihilation
Stockpiles of destructive weapons save mankind from catastrophe.
Mankind is heading towards extreme danger.
Superpowers now realize the need for abandoning lethal weapons.
Nations possessing stockpiles of lethal weapons now want to avoid actual conflict
Destruction of Mankind is Inevitable .
Man's Desire to survive Inhibits use of Deadly Weapon
Mounting Cost of Modem Weapons.
Threats and Intimidation between superpowers .
input, storage and output
store, retrieve and output
input, output and retrieve
input, processing and output