The school or college in which one has been educated -----
A sudden rush of wind ----
To take one to task ----
A general pardon of political offenders ---
Some birds, such as quails, can move 'instant' from a 'resting' position 'to' full 'flight'. 'No Error'.
Lasers 'are' indispensable 'tools' 'for' delicate 'eyes' surgery. 'No Error'.
Because vitamins 'are' contained 'in a' wide 'variety' of foods, people seldom 'lack of' most of them. 'No Error'.
The surface of 'the' tongue 'covered' with 'tiny' taste 'buds'. 'No Error'.
All data 'in computer' are changed 'into' pulses 'by' an input 'unit'. 'No Error'.
Choose the pair that best expresses the relationship similar to the words expressed in capital letters. PROLOGUE : NOVEL
Choose the pair that best expresses the relationship similar to the words expressed in capital letters. BIRD : FEATHER
Choose the pair that best expresses the relationship similar to the words expressed in capital letters. ARTICULATE : UNCLEAR
Choose the pair that best expresses the relationship similar to the words expressed in capital letters. LOGIC : REASONING
Choose the pair that best expresses the relationship similar to the words expressed in capital letters. HACK : CARVE
An assembly of hearers -----