The area of a triangle whose sides are of lengths 12 cms, 5 cms, and 13 cms is :
The price of a rice has increased by 60%. In order to restore to the original price, the new price must be reduced by :
The average age of group of 10 students is 15 years. When 5 new students joined the group, the average age rise by 1 year. The average age (in years) of the new student is :
18 years
17 years
16 years
None of these
The value of (-11)+(-12)+(+13)+ --------(-110) is :
The ratio of the radii of two circles is 1 : 3. The ratio of their areas is :
Two numbers are in the ratio 3 : 5. If each is increased by 10, the ratio becomes 5 : 7. The numbers are :
A, B, C start a business. If A invests 3 times as much as B invests and B invests two-third of what C invests, then the ratio of capitals of A, B, C is :
The sum of the base angles of a is 140° and their difference is 40°. The angles of the triangle are;
If 2x-1+2x+1=320, then the value of x is:
If m=ax, n=ay and mynx=a2/z, then the value of xyz is:
Two numbers are in the ratio of 3 : 5. If each is increased by 10, the ratio becomes 5 : 7. The numbers are :