Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
আয়ত্তাধীন, অহোরাত্রি, অদ্যপি
গড্ডালিকা, চিন্ময়, কল্যাণ
আবশ্যক, মিথস্ক্রিয়া, গীতালি
সে খুব কষ্টে দিনাতিপাত করছে।
কারো মুখে কোন কথা সরে না ।
There was decided that Karim should
It was decided that Karim should
Karim had been decided to
The job was difficult to get.
The job was not east to do.
The job was not sailing a ship
They lived in a hut closed to sea.
They lived in a hut close by sea
They lived in a close to the sea
They lived in a hut close with the sea.
The man that said that was a fool
The man who said that was a fool
The man, which said that was a fool
The man whom said that was a fool
a translational force only in the direction perpendicular to the field
a translational force only in the direction of the field
a torque as well as a translational force