Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
is confirming, maintained
Confirms, hame beeb maintained
was confirmed, have been maintained
confirms, are maintainings
the largest than the ones in
the largest of the ones in
Is English spoke well by him?
Was English spoken well by him?
Is English spoken well by him
Is English spoken well to him?
Who do the book belongs to?
Who does the book belong to ?
To whom does the book belong to?
What did the bear say to you?
What did the bear tell to your ear?
What did the bear whisper to you?
What did the bear whisper to your ear?
teaching them about important scientific discoveries
teaching them to think logically and correctly
teaching young people some truths about the universe
teaching them about scientific appliances
The advantages of science education for young people
Preparing students for science education
The Classics and science education for the young .
The problems of science education for young people