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Dhaka Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 17.06.2016
সকল বিষয়
inclination towards----assimilated
retreat ---responsibility
Plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than are fungo
Plants are more efficient at acquiring carbon than fungi
Plants are more efficient than fungi at acquiring carbon
Plants, more efficient than fungi at acquiring carbon
As contrasted with the honeybee
In contrast to the honeybee's
Unlike that of the honeybee
ozone is formed in the atmosphere from
ozone is formed in the atmosphere when
ozone is formed in the atmosphere, and when
ozone, formed in the atmosphere when
have been priced to sell, and they are
are priced to sell, and they have
are priced to sell, and they do
had been priced to sell, and they have
when unaccompanied correspondingly by increases in sales, can lead
when not accompanied by corresponding increases in sales, possibly leads
when they were unaccompanied by corresponding sales increases, can lead
if not accompanied by corresponding increases in sales, can lead
Nationalized Commercial Bank
University Grants Commission