All birds have beaks , and sparrows are birds, so all sparrows must have beaks.
The decimal 0.1 is how many times greater than the decimal (0.001)3?
How many times in a day, are hands of a clock in straight line opposite in direction?
Determine the value of (5-2)2.
If a + 2b = 6 and ab = 4 what is the value of 2a+1b ?
If x and y are non-negative simplify (81x17y18)14
Which one of the following is the least value of 2x+x26x?
If m+m-5=5, what is the value of m ?
A circle has an area of 45cm2. What is the radious of the circle?
A circular logo is enlarged to fit the lid of a jar. The new diameter is 50 percent large than the original. by what percentage has the area of logo increase?
If n divided by 7 has a remineder of 2 , what is the remainder when 3 times n is divided by 7?
How many times does the digit 4 come to write numbers from 10 to 100?
A person makes a profit of 10% on 25% of the quantity and a loss of 20% on the rest what is the percentage gain or loss on the whole?
The selling price of 15 items equals the cost of 20 items. What is the percentage profit earned by the seller?
Zerin has started a sholeseale jewelry making busin. She make 36 bracelets a day and sells them to local shops for TK. 180 a dozen. How much does Zerin make per week if she works 5 days a week ?
The speed of a boat is 10 km per hour (kph) and the speed of the currect is 5 kph. The boat traelled 5 hours in a favour of the current and then returned to the starting point. What was the time to return?
In achese touranment each of six players will play every other player exactly once . How many matches will be played during the tournament?
It takes bela 1 hours to do job that Hena can do in 40 minutes, One day worked together for 12 minitues and then Bela Left. If hena had finished the job. How long did it take her to do it?
A women says, "If you reverge my own age" the figure represents my age. He is of course, senior to me and the different between our ages is one eleventh of our sum. " What is the age of womend"?
Find the missing character ?
A tree of heigth 4 m casts a shadow of length 6.5 m. What would be the height of house casting a shadow 26 m long?
In Cyclist leaves home at 10.00 hours to cycle to school 7 km awat. he cycle at 10 km/h he arrived he has a puncture, then he has to push his bicycle the rest of the way at 3 km/h
X is west of Y and Y is north of Z. m is south of X. Which directin is M to Z?
If one root the equation x2+3x-k=0 is 2, what is the value of k ?