Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Dhaka Bank Ltd | Probationary Officer | 05-02-2021
সকল বিষয়
consistently, perambulate
I shall be invited by her.
I shall being invited by her.
I will been invited by her.
there was any truth to recent finsings, inactivity is as deadly that
There was any truth to recent findings, inactivity is as deadly as
There's been any truth to recent findings, inactivity is as deadly as
there is any truth findings, inactivity is as deadly as
argues that neither technology nor genetics is to
argue that neither technology nor genetics are to
argue that htey cannot look at technology or genetics as the
argue that not technology or genetics is to
clients, records; accountants can, for example , help
Clients, records, as an example, they can help
clients, records, like they can help
clients recored , which might include that they