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প্রাথমিক ও গণশিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়ের পিটিআই ইনস্ট্রাক্টর (15-06-2016)
a large solid piece of stone
a device to cut off of a person's head as a punishment
something that makes movement difficult
a book or film that is very successful, especially because it is exciting
an inquiry about somebody's health
a formal question when one meets one's friend
used to know the profession of a person
General Reading in English
Graduation Reading Examination
Grade Reading Examination
Graduate Record Examination
the scientific study of weather and climate
branch of geography dealing with ocean
the scientific study of a mountain
the central figure of a drama
the stage director of a play
Owing to weakness I cannot walk
As I am weak I cannot walk