Power tools require careful handling--------injuries.
The purpose of cost accounting is -------involved in producing and selling a good or service.
The process of ------by hand has changed little since the 15th century
An electromagnet is created--------electrical current through a coil of wire.
Find out which underlined part of the following sentences has an error. Ceramics can be harder, light and more resistant to heat than metals. No Error
Not everyone realises that the most largest organ of the human body is the skin.
The way a child plays with other children reveals a lots about the child's emotional development. No Error
Sheep have been domesticated for over five thousand years ago. No Error
Dhaka University has an outstanding collecting of historical documents. No error
Select the word which is opposite to the meaning of the key words. ELOQUENT
Select the word that best completes the sentence. ---------for a career in dance generally begins at an early age.