Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
National Bank Ltd - Officer - 11.09.2009
সকল বিষয়
Non-Bank Financial Institution
Neo-Bangla Funding institution
Non-Bangladeshi Formal Industries
Non-Banking Foreign Institution
a decline in economic activity
You have loaned money to the corporation
You own part of the corporation
You have made new funds available to the corporation
leasing firms and insurance companies
banks and insurance firms
banks, leasing firms and insurance companies
It is still further from here.
What you say is fur from the truth
Beside being clever, she is very perceptive.
Besides being clever, she is very perceptive.
Beside being clever, she is also perceptive.
Asides being clever, she is very perceptive.
It is neither true nor valid.
It is not true and nor valid.
It is nor true and definitely not valid.
It is neither true or valid.
You have achieve much more than expected.
You achieved much more than expected.
You have achieved too much more than we expected.
You have achieved more than we expected.
Actions speak louder than words
An action speak louder than words
The actions speak much louder than words
Action speak louder than words