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Bangladesh Nursing & Midwifery Council (Comprehensive/Licensing Examination), March-2024 || B.Sc in Nursing (29-03-2024)
Follicle stimulating hormone
Found in the RBC membrane
Knowledge about elder problems
Protects the brain & spinal cord
Maintains pressure around the brain & spinal cord
Helps in conduction of nerve impulse
Acts as a shock absorber of brain
Helps in growth & development
History of diabetes mellitus
Attend professional conference
Learn to un-expect evidence
Not participate in research utilization
Become involved in a journal club
Well adjust to self & others
Feel confident about self
Unable to adjust with other
It should have relationship between two or more variable
Should be stated clearly and unambiguously
Should represent a moral or ethical position
Should be possible to answer the questions asked
Should not possible to collect data
Researcher must maintain scientific objectivity
Researcher should use unfair means to extract information
Information provided by the respondents must be kept confidential
Research should causing personal harm
Responded should be kept free to withdraw from the study
Upper respiratory infections
Avoid poor fitting shoes and socks
Railing bed should be used
Poor lighting in the room
Using properly fitted stick or cane for walk
More foot and toe lift during stepping
To be protected (Prevent infection)
Full dilatation of cervis
Lien below the pelvic brim
It consists of pelvic inlet, mid-pelvis and pelvic outlet
Transversely rounded or bland
One vein and two arteries
Artery catry deoxygenated blood
Artery provides oxygen and nutrients to the folus
Vein carries oxygenated blood
Involves choosing when to have childres
Includes refuse contraception's
Prevention of unwanted pregnancy
Methods to achieve pregnancy
Baby's lower lip is curved outward
Baby's chin is touching the breast
Hypotonic activity of the uterus
Uterine activity is suboptimal
There is good relaxation between contructions
Poor ditation of the cervix
Membrane usually remain intact
Ist visit within 24 hours
4th visit within 42 to 45 days
Maintained proper chain of command
Signs of nutritional deficiency
Painful uterine contraction at regular intervals
Pain localized to the abdomen and groin
Frequency of contractions increase gradually
Pain relieved by analgesic
1st tie four fingers away from umbilicus
2nd tie one finger from 1st tie
1" tie two finger from the umbilicus
Cut the cord in between 1st & 2nd tie
Cut the cord in between 2nd and 3rd tie