Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Krishi Bank - Officer - 29.06.2007
সকল বিষয়
We discussed on the matter
We discussed about the matter
We discussed with the matter
We discussed in this matter
Mother said to me that I saw him
Mother said to me that I have seen him
Mother told me that I saw him
Mother told me that she have seen him
Mother told me that she had seen him
Assets exceed liabilities
Insane declared by the court
Case of bankruptcy under process
Not a buyer of shares of the company
Appointments of board of directors
Liability of shareholders
Product liability and safety
increase both assets and liabilities
decrease assets and decrease liabilities
increase assets and decrease liabilities
decrease assets and increase liabilities
decrease owners equity and increase assets
Indemnification and Tax Rebate
Investment protection and Indemnification
Australia is known for Cricket
Brazil is known for Football
China is known for Table Tennis
India is known for Hockey
USA is known for Volleyball
With Maturity more than 5 years
The furniture is my, but the car is hers.
The furiture is mine, but the car is her's.
The furniture is my, but the car is hers.
The furniture is mine, but the car is hers.
The furniture is my, but the car is her's.
Incurring loss in business
মনোরম উদানে ভ্রমণ দূরাকাঙ্খা
মনরম উদ্যান ভ্রমণ দুরাকাঙ্খা
মনরম উদ্যান ভ্রমণ দুরাকাংখা
মনোরম উদ্যান ভ্রমণ দুরাকাংখা
বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র চট্রোপাধ্যায়
জাতীয় কবি কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম
কবিগুরু রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
This is the tallest tree I have never seen
This tall tree I have never seen
This is the tallest tree I have ever seen
This tall tree I have ever seen
This is the tallest tree I have not yet seen
All monetary payments of workers
The amount of money households have for spending after contractual obligation
Compensation to employees minus income tax deduction
the difference between personal income and personal taxes
I had better not to be late