What should be used if a company wants to include its company name and logo at the bottom of every page of a brochure?
Protection and the Protect Sheet Options can be selected from ?
What is the Short cut key for line break?
Verification of a login name and password is known as -
The frequency of which of the following is the highest ?
Which company nicknamed as "Big Blue" ?
The headquarter of United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) are at -
The Law of Natural Selection is associated with -
Guarantee to an exporter that the importer of his goods will pay immediately for the goods ordered by him, is known as -
Fathometer is used to measure -
Lance Armstrong, a sportsperson international repute, belongs to which of the following countries?
Study of life in outer space is known as-
Stress test is related to assess health of which institution?
The normal threshold of hearing is around .
Wi-Fi uses -
The bar at the top of window that bears the name of the window is known as -