With a natural --languages, Ahad---German much more rapidly than did his less linguistically gifted brother.
In spite of the ----nature of the terrain, the roads were surprisingly -----.
Rhetoric often seems to ---over reason in a heated debate with both sides ---- in hyperbole.
Be careful when driving ----weather conditions.
The public did not care about the trial and was ----about the verdict.
All such students P: get success Q: who are honest and hard-working R: and recognition S: in every walk of life
The appearance P : dinosaurs were at their peak Q: of the first mammals on the earth R : at the time when S: went almost unnoticed
In the darkness P: the long, narrow beard Q: was clearly visible with R: the tall stooping figure of the doctor
I read an advertisement that said p: posh, air-conditioned Q: gentlemen of taste R: are available for S: fully furnished rooms
Although the two families 'have always been' involved 'in some form of ' bickering 'since the time' they moved into the same neigh bourhood, there 'was no major quarrel' for the past two years. 'No error'.
No animal 'has yet been' discovered that can 'see' 'infrared light' with 'its' eyes. 'No error'
I do not wish 'to sound too intrusive'but I 'would have been' better pleased 'if you gave' the award to the person 'who best deserved' it. 'No error'.
Though many scientists 'had initially regarded' his theory 'as absurd' and 'incompatible to' common sense, they later 'appreciated his work'.'No erroe'
The Principal 'stepped aside' just 'as the scam' issue 'came up' and in the process 'asserting' his moral superiority. 'No error'
'Lately' 'many' of the 'committee's' suggestions 'has been' rejected. 'No error'
Select a word having the opposite meaning : PANACHE
Select a word having the opposite meaning : DOCTRINAIRE
Select a word having the opposite meaning : SAGACIOUS
Select a word having the opposite meaning : NASCENT
Choose the word that forms antonym of original with the given prefix. 'In'
Choose the word that forms antonym of original with the given prefix. 'Im'
Choose the word that forms antonym of original with the given prefix. 'Un'
Choose the word that forms antonym of original with the given prefix. 'Ir'
The speaker's address about a career is a litter 'nebulous' at this point.
The secretary 'condoned' the workers smoking in the corridor.
If is 'Iudicrous' to all a cottage a mansion.
If people live in 'squalor' for too long, the ruling elite can count on an insurgency.
Select a word having the opposite meaning : MANNERED
If there is nothing to absorb the energy of sound waves, they travel on ----, but their intensity--- as they travel further from their source.
Select a word having the opposite meaning : RECALCITRANT