In which city was the last OIC Conference held?
The total budget outlay for FY 2004-05 is :
Which country hosted the Euro 2004 Football Tournament?
ADB stands for :
Who is the Defence Secretary of USA?
What is the present form of government in Bangladesh?
Who is the architect of the parliament building of Bangladesh?
Who was the last Mughal Emperor?
A prime Minister visited Bangladesh most recently. He was from which country?
Which sector got the highest allocation in the budget for FY 2004-05?
Which country won the last election to the post of Secretary General of OIC?
The name of the parliament of USA is :
What is the maximum limit of tax-free yearly personal income?
Where is the headquarters of Islamic Development Bank (IDB)?
Where is the headquarters of the European (EU)?
Asia Cup Cricket 2004 will be held in which country?
The Central Bank of India is :
One kilogram is equal to :
The capital of United Arab Emirates is :
The Jamuna bridge is the ----largest bridge in the world.
Letter of Credit (LC) is a banking instrument used for :
Which Asian Country belongs to the G-8 countries?
Of the following countries, which is a member of NATO?
Where is Wall Street located?
what is the name of British Parliament?
What is the main objective of the devaluation of currency?
What is the total number of member countries in the United Nations?
What is the fiscal years of Bangladesh?