From which country , does Bangladesh import the most?
Where will the FIFA Word Cup 2022 be held in?
Where is the headquarter of the European Unnion?
The highest trading block in the word?
What is the Time Zone of Bangladesh?
Whic river of Bangladesh originates in Tibet?
Who is the founder of WikiLeaks?
Who is the creater of the masterpiece `Mona Lisa'?
Who is the writer of the ` Harry Potter" series?
The Head Office of Asian Development Bank (ADB) is situated in-
What color does green and red make?
Which living bird lays the world's largest egg?
What is the capital city of Uganda?
Amartya Sen received Nobel Prize in -
The winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2021
The length of Padma Bridge is____
the number of Stock Exchnages in Bangladesh is______.
The First Prime Minister of Bangladesh Mr. Tajuddin Ahmed was born in-
The highest revenue earning source of Bangladesh Government is-
International Enviroment Day is-