If the ratio of speed of doing work of the persons is 1 : 3 : 5 , what is the ratio of this taken by these people to do the same amount of work ?
A right angled triangle , whose perpendicular sides measure 1.8 cm and 2.4 cm ,is inscribed in a circle. What is the circumference of the circle (in cm)?
If an article was sold at 18% profit on cost price then the selling price of the article was TK. 9381 . What would have been the selling price of the article , if it was sold at 25% profit?
8 years ago, the ratio of A's age to B's age was 4 :5 At present the ratio of B's age and C's age is 4 : 5 At present , the difference between A's age and C's age is 20 years, then what is the sum of the ages of A, B and C?
There is a group of 5 men , 6 women and 8 children . 1 man, 1 woman and one child are going to be selected to play a game. In how many ways can the selection be done?
12 students working for 5 hours a day can solve a certain number of problems in 8 days. How many students are needed to solve. Five times the original number of problems, if they work at 4 hours a day for 15 days?
If the ratio of simple interest and principal is 8 : 25 and rate of interest is equal to the time invested then find the time of investment ?
A seller marks his goods 30% above their cost price but allows 15% discount for cash payment . His percentage of profit when sold in cash is -
A ladder is placed against a wall such that its foot is at a distance of 2.5 m from the and its top reaches a window 6 m about ground. Find the length of the ladder.
If 22x-1=18x-3, then the value of x is -
If x=2 , then the value of x3+27x2 +243x +631 is -
A bond gets matured in 10 years . invested TK. 42,000 in this bond and received Tk. 105000 once the bond matured . If the bond was under simple interest . then what was the rate of interest per annum?
A boy goes to school at a speed of 5 km/h and returns to the village at a speed of 4 km/hr. If he takes 4 hours and 30 minutes in all, what is the distance between the village and the school?
The average height of girls in a class is 5 ft and that of boys is 5.7 ft. If the average height of the students in class is 5.5 ft, what could be the possible strength of boys and girls respectively in the class.
The value of "A" varies in inverse proportion as the square of "B". If the value of "A" is equal to 40 , when "B" is equal to 12. What would be the value of "A" when "B" is equal to 24?
The average age of the 20 aspirants of a class is 19.2 years. After some time two more aspirants join them and then average is increased by 0.3 years. Find the difference between the age of new aspirants .
A cistern is normally filled with eater in 10 hours but takes 5 hours longer to fill because of a leak in its bottom . If the cistern is full, the leak will empty the cistern in -
P and Q start a hotel . P left after 6 months. After the year ends, P gets Tk. 6000 as profit out of total profit of TK. 9000. What will be amount invested by Q if P had invested TK. 20000?
A and B go cycling in the same direction with speeds of 6 km /hr and 12 km/hr. A car from behind passes them in 9 and 10 seconds respectively . What is the speeds of the car?
The ratio of the present age of father to that of son is 7 : 2 after 10 years their ages will be in the ratio of 9 : 4 . The present ages of the father is
A driver of an auto rickshaw sees a lorry m ahead of him .After 30 seconds the lorry 90 m behind. If the speed of the auto rickshaw is 38 km /hr, then what is the speed of the lorry?
A box contains 21 balls numbered 1 to 21 . A ball numbered 1 to 21 . A ball is drawn and then another ball is brawn without replacement . What is the probability that both balls are even numbered?