Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
AB Bank Ltd - Assistant Officer - 10.01.2014
সকল বিষয়
2% discount on amount paid within 30 days
Due amount is to be paid within 30 days
2% discount on amount paid within 30 days
Sale of item previously included in 'Purchases'
Current assets minus current liabilities
Total assets minus total liabilies
Long -terrm liabilities munus current liabilities
The extra capital paid in by the proprietor
The costs of running the business on a day -to - day basis
Money spent on buying fixed asset or adding value to them
Money spent on selling fixed assets
it has more oil than the other country
it can produce oil at a lower opportunity cost than the other country
it does not need to import oil
it wants to export as much oil as possible
carried ahead --- decided