Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Trust Bank Ltd - Management Trainee Officer - 19.06.2015
সকল বিষয়
Florey's complexity is brilliantly revealed by Lax
Lax brilliantly reveals Floresy's complexity
Florey is brilliantly shown in all his comple xity be Lax
Lax brilliantly revealed the complexity of Florey
Lax's study has brilliantly revealed the complexity of Florey
into account life expectancy, education, as well as income per person
life expectancy, education, as well as income per person into account
into account life expectancy and education, as well as income per person
into account life expectancy, and education, and income per person
life expectancy, education, and income per person in its account
that of fitting what people want to see into the time they have available to see it in
fitting what people want to see into the time they have available
that of fitting what people want to see in the time which they have available
fitting what people want to see in the time they have available for seeing
the need to fit what people want to see into the available time for seeing
architecturally attractive
an even greater amount of people
an ever larger amount of people
an amount of people even greater
a number of people even larger
an even greater number of people
Instrumentation : conductor