The average of 6 numbers is 25. If 3 more numbers , with an average of 22 are added to these numbers ,what will be the average of the combined 9 numbers?
How many flowers are there if all of them are roses except two , all of them are tulips except two and all of them are daisies except two?
Which numbers should come next in the series 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 ------
"Bari has been selected as the new captain of the football team , so he must be true brightest boy in the team."
All 115 students in a class play football or cricket or both . 65 play cricket and 60 play football. How many students play both ?
The day before yesterday is three days after Saturday. What day is it today?
What is 30% of 11/45 of 150 ?
who wins in the race ?
who comes in between Ali & Drabir?
Which number should replace the question mark?
which number should replace the question mark?
How many rectangular are there in the following figure :
Considering only life expectancy at birth years the quality of life in Indonesia is better than that in __
Library is to book as book is to__
If the sum of 3 consecutive integers is 105 , then the sum of the two smaller integers is:
50 girls and 100 boys were invited to a party . If 30% of the girls and 75% of the boys attend the party , what percentage of guests attended ?
Find out the missing figure .
which figure is the odd one out?
In the figure below ACDH and BCEF are rectangles , AH = 3 , GH =3 , and EF =6 , what is the area of BCDG ?
considering only daily calorie supply per head , the two countries that show the most similar characteristics are_