What is the next number in the series? 8, 11, 17, 24, 29, 53, 78 ...........
An employee is entitled to 20% of his basic pay as dearness Allowance (DA). If his basic pay is Tk. 6300, what is total pay.
How much is .01 X 0.01 X 0.001 = ?
By investing Tk. 1,00,000 in six months, a man earns Tk. 1500 as profit as profit.What is the rate of interest earned?
A man pays 5% this annual income as tax. If he paid Tk. 600 as tax last year, what was his annual income?
Which of the ratio is the largest?
A shopkeeper sells 5 mangoes at a price he bought 4 mangoes. What percentage (%) of loss or gain?
A clock slows down by one minute every 24 hours. how long will it take to slow down by one hour?
which of the following fraction is the largest?
If a coin is tossed once, what is the probability of getting a "HEAD"