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Reading Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সাধারণ জ্ঞান
College students in the past received better training in basic skill than students of today.
Few entry-level workers today have college degree.
Basic skills in writing , mathematics, and analytical are important for success in most jobs.
Entry-level workers at major corporations are generally representative of today's college graduates.
Dr. Abdullah Al Muti Sharfuddin.
Sustainable Program for Proper Resource
Proper Response for Sustainable Program
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
Poverty Reduction Sustainable Program
Team A scores another goal and team B scores 3 goals in the remaining time.
Both the teams score two goals each in the remaining time.
Team A scores 2 goals and team B scores 4 goals in the remaining time.
Grand father and grand son .
Some philosophers are wise
All philosophers are wise
Only a few philosophers are not wise
All wise men are not philosophers
North American Free Trade Agreement.