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সাধারণ জ্ঞান
The people of Bangladesh shall be known as Bangalees as a nation
The citizens of Bangladesh shall be known as Bangaladeshies.
Bangalee nationalism is based on culture and language.
The people of Bangladesh shall be known as Bangalees as a nation
The citizens of Bangladesh shall be known as Bangaladeshies.
Bangalee nationalism is based on culture and language.
an island within theree nautical miles from the coast of a country
an island on the high seas, which is not the territory of any particular state
a ship bearing the national flag of a stae
an island within theree nautical miles from the coast of a country
an island on the high seas, which is not the territory of any particular state
a ship bearing the national flag of a stae
promotion of bad governance
promotion of bad governance
There are six cans of tomatoes in Carlo's pantry and 14 in his basement. There is no other can of tomatoes in his house. Therefore, he has 20 cans of tomatoes in his house.
Everyone northbound on the Interstate yesterday was late to work. Faith was northbound on the Interstate. Faith was late to work.
Humayun lives in either Kansascity, Kansas or Kansas City, Missouri. If he live in Kansas he is an American.
No one who eats in the cafeteria. Therefore my boss does not like pizza
There are six cans of tomatoes in Carlo's pantry and 14 in his basement. There is no other can of tomatoes in his house. Therefore, he has 20 cans of tomatoes in his house.
Everyone northbound on the Interstate yesterday was late to work. Faith was northbound on the Interstate. Faith was late to work.
Humayun lives in either Kansascity, Kansas or Kansas City, Missouri. If he live in Kansas he is an American.
No one who eats in the cafeteria. Therefore my boss does not like pizza
The production of Hamlet was first-rate; you will never see it done better.
the production of hamlet was first-rate; it was cited as such in the daily news.
The production of Hamlet was first-rate; it won an award this year.
The production of Hamlet was first-rate; 90% of audience members interviewed after the show agreed.
The production of Hamlet was first-rate; you will never see it done better.
the production of hamlet was first-rate; it was cited as such in the daily news.
The production of Hamlet was first-rate; it won an award this year.
The production of Hamlet was first-rate; 90% of audience members interviewed after the show agreed.
It results from an inherent tension between collective and individual responsibility.
It can always be resolved through privatization and nationalization of the commons
It is independent of the carrying capacity of the common.
All of the options given are correct.
It results from an inherent tension between collective and individual responsibility.
It can always be resolved through privatization and nationalization of the commons
It is independent of the carrying capacity of the common.
All of the options given are correct.
Before Battle of Kalinga 261 B.C
After Battle of Kalinga 261 B.C
Before Battle of Hydaspes 326 B.C
After Battle of Hydaspes 326 B.C
Before Battle of Kalinga 261 B.C
After Battle of Kalinga 261 B.C
Before Battle of Hydaspes 326 B.C
After Battle of Hydaspes 326 B.C