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massive tribal welfare program is launched by the government in bandarban.
A Massive tribal welfare program has been launched by the government in Bandarban.
The government in Bandarban has launched a massive tribal welfare program.
The government in Bandarban has been launched a massive tribal welfare program.
the High court division and the Appellate division.
the Seasons division and the High Court Division.
the Magistrate Court and the Session Court.
The International Crimes Tribunal and the High Court Division.
the edge of the needle is pointed.
the ship is driven by powerful engine.
specific gravity of the needle is greater than that of water displaced by it.
World Bank's Sustainable Environment Development Division.
United Nations Environment Programme.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
Trade Related Investment Measures.
General Agreement on Tariff and Trade.
the structure of the government.
increasing the age of the judges of the Supreme Court.
th removal of judges of the Supreme Court.
abolishing the reserved seats for women.
Chinese people eat fish and vegetables less than Japanese people.
There are more Chinese men than Japanese men.
China produces plenty of rice.
Chinese people are historically more dependent on rice than the Japanese people.