Test Mode
Reading Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Neither of the books are interesting.
Neither of the books is interesting
Neither of books are interesting.
Neither of the book is interesting.
The cat to be chased was chased by dog.
The cat was chased by the dog.
If they had playing well.
not harmful for the environment
helpful to the environment
neutral to the environment
ছালটি সারিয়ে নিলে পানি চোঁয়াবে।
ছাদটি সারিয়ে নাও, নয়ত পানি চোঁয়ানো উচিত।
ছাদটি সারিয়ে নাও অথবা পানি চোঁয়াবে।
ছাদটি সারিয়ে নাও, নয়ত পানি চোঁয়াতে পারে।
I have visited Rajshahi last year.
I visited Rajshahi last year.
I have been visiting Rajshahi last year.
I have visited Rajshahi long ago.