Test Mode
Reading Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Have you ever been the sunderbans?
Have you gone to the Sunderbans?
Did you go to sunderband?
Have you ever been to Sunderbans?
He ran fast lest he should miss the train
He ran fast lest he missed the train
He ran fast lest he will miss the train
He ran fast lest he should have missed the train
He is less intelligent than any other boy in the class .
No other boy in the class is intelligent as like him.
No other boy in the class is more intelligent than he is .
He is at least more intelligent than any other boy in the class.
She sold her hair and bought a chain
In spite of laving vast riches, the man wants more
Rumi said nothing about his political opinion
I never disagreed with him
we hope that we shall finish the work by Sunday
It rained all through the day but stopped raining in the night.
Bangladesh is not infected --- birds flues
only ten students passed --- ninety .
The noise outside prevented me --- sleeping
The truth triumphs --- falschood.
Development of competitive business environment
Destruction of natural environment