Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
শিক্ষাবর্ষঃ ২০২১-২০২২
He was charged with theft
Clothed with shame. she left the place
He complied with my request
Early rising is conducive with health
present perfect continuous
You may criticize what I do
I am sure that I will pass
He is so weak, that he cannot walk
I have no money that I can spare
read what is categorically stated
understand what is implied not what is explicitly stated
understand the inner meaning
I have no money that I can spare
The house in which we live at present suits us
You can be allowed here only if you are a student
One problem for the players was unexpected threats of injury
Not only Sufia, but also Nasima, want to visit grandma
Traffic jams in the parking area was one difficulty for the visitors
Somebody want to speak with you
No passenger flight departed on that day
We enjoyed a fabulous outing in the evening
We booked a spacious room
We had a pleasant journey this time
I don't want to hear a long description. I just want the bottom line
When I come home late, my wife gives me the third degree
Don't sell yourself short, you are a good doctor
Now that the construction is almost finished,you can pull out all the stops and take it easy