Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান
মওলানা আব্দুল হামিদ খান ভাসানী
he was highly intelligent
Discovered by a French doctor
I, you and he were present in the meeting .
You, he and I were present in the meeting .
You, he and I was present in the meeting.
He, you and I was present in the meeting .
The wind was blow by the albatoss.
The wind was made to blow by the albatross.
The wind blow was made by the albatross.
The wind was made blow by the albatross.
The teacher said the the boy , "Why do you make a noise" ?
The teacher said to the boy, " Why did you make a noise" ?
The teacher told the boy, "Why he has made a noise" ?
The teacher enquired of the boy, "Why did he make a noise" ?
Does he know how to type?
Does he knows how to type?
You, Selim and i are guilty.
Selim, you and I are guilty.
You, Selim and I am gulity.
The tiger is a beast of prey.
The tiger is a beast of killer
The tiger is an animal of killer
The tiger is expert in drawing
The girl is expert at drawing
The girl is expert of draw.
The girl is expert to drawing
The girl is expert in drawing.
The examination is coming soon.
The examination will start soon
The examination is beginning soon.
The examination is knocking at the door
Honesty us the best virtue.
Honesty is the best policy.
Honesty is the better way
You should get rid of smoking.
You should get off smoking.
You should get up smoking
You should getting up smoking.
How can this be done by you?
How this can be done by you?
how this will be done by you?
How could this be done by you?
20 Hz - 20,000 Hz এর মধ্যে
তড়িৎযোজী যৌগসমূহের গলনাংক এবং স্ফুটনাংক খুবই কম ।
তড়িৎযোজী যৌগসমূহ বিদ্যুৎ কুপরিবাহী।
তড়িৎযোজী যৌগসমূহ পানিতে দ্রবনীয় এবং বিদ্যুৎ পরিবাহী।
তড়িৎযোজী যৌগসমূহ তাপ পরিবহন করে না।