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Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Exploring options for reform
Defining characteristics of modern industrial enterprises
Getting involved with corporate management, ownership, and finance
The role of public enterprise is supportive to private business
SOEs still occupy a central role in many economies
Public enterprise is a cause of inflation
SoEs performance is not generally satisfactory.
Efficiency through large scale commercial activity
Employment and investment
Modern Industrial Enterprises
The chimney blows off thick smoke
The child blew out the candle
The storm will soon blow in
Everyone will not remember him
Everyone never remembers him
Everyone never forgets him
As soon as he saw me he began to cry
As soon as he saw me he is crying As soon as he see me he began to cry
As soon as he is seeing me he began to cry.
As soon as he is seeing me he began to cry
Insisted to repairing the
Insisted on being repaired the
Insisted on repairing the
Insisting on repairing the
how in the manner that he lectures
The modern corporate form
Most efficient institution
Transformation of inputs into outputs