Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
Let the door not be opened.
Who was killed by the bird?
By whom the bird was killed?
By whom was the bird killed?
an interrogative sentence
The Airport is busy place
An Airport is a busy place
If my English teacher is here, I would be very happy.
If my English teacher were here, I would be very happy.
If my English teacher was here, I would be very happy.
If my English teacher will here, I would be very happy.
They done it very well after they had practiced
They does it very well after they had practiced
They did it very well after they had practiced
They do it very well after they had practiced
Family members love to each other
Family members love away each other
Family members love between each other
Family members love each other
list of dishes at a resturent
it dissolves the impurities of water
it is a sterilising agent
বাংলায় ফরায়েয আন্দোলনের জনক ছিলেন
আইন শুদুমাত্র আদেশ নহে, ইহা জনগণের ইচ্ছাও বটে
েআইন শুধুমাত্র সরকারের আদেশ নহে, ইহা জনগণের ইচ্ছার প্রতিফলন
আইন শুধুমাত্র সার্বভৌমের শাহন নহে, জনগণের ইচ্ছার প্রতিফলনও বটে
আইন শুধুমাত্র সার্বভৌমের আদেশ নহে, জনগণের ইচ্ছার প্রতিফলনও বটে
পশ্চিমবঙ্গ বাংলা ৈএকাডেমি
বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি
what makes a beautiful face
which a beautiful face made
a time of having youthful feelings
Dennis Ritchie & Ken Thompson