Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Man is mortal was told to me
He told me that man was mortal
He told me that man is mortal
Honey is sweet when it is tasted
the eyes of human being are not all sensitive to light
some people's bodies emit electric magnetic waves
some light can not be seen by human eye
light wavelengths vary between 380 and 760 mill - microns.
Who is to be wanted by you ?
Let not the poor be laughed as teacher told me
Teacher told me let the poor be not laughed at
Teacher advised me not to laugh at the poor
eacher advised me let not the poor are laughed at
what is to be wanted by you?
Is anything wanted by yo?
is maybe the more difficult for analysis
is probably the more difficult for analysis
is it maybe analysis that is most diffeult
is probably the most difficult for analysis
than among males of other races
than it among males of other races .
than males of the others races
have resulted in the acquittal
has resulted in the acquittal
have resulted by the acquittal
has been resulted in the acquittal
Come back in an hour time
come back in one hour about
come back in about one hour time
come back in an hour's time
I was shocked at his conduct
I was shocked by his conduct
I was shocked by with his conduct
I was shocked in his conduct
They cried on a loud voice
They cried at the top of their voice
They cried at their level best sound
He makes promise and tries to keep it
He made primise to keep it
As he made a promise , he kept it .
He not only made a promise but also kept it
It should be known to you
You aer supposed to be known
people believe that you know