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Wrong = 0
B Unit (Set code: I) 2021-22
rapid decline of tiger population
The Sundarbans alone is a guard against global temperature.
The Sundarbans can protect us against tidal waves
Degradation of biodiversity is inevitable..
Save tiger to save Sundarbans.
risk of global warming and threat to biodiversity.
risk of signing of the people living in the Sundarbans.
tension between development and environmentalism.
risk of disappearance of the Sundarbans
The find some reason to quarrel
To cut some part of an item
Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect
Statement II is the cause and Statement I is its effect
Both the Statement I and II are independent cause
Both the Statement I and II are independent are effect of some common cause
The beggar was laughed by the boy.
The beggar was being laughed at by the boy.
The beggar was being laughed by the boy.
The beggar was laughed at by the boy.
his heart is full of commission for others
he looks very serious on most occasions
he is uncompromising on matters of task performance
An estimated five hundred Bengal tigers live in the Sundarbans.
Rising sea level risking habitats of the Bengal tigers.
The Sundarbans is cross-border mangrove forest.
Bengal tigers face a food crisis in new mangrove.
When and how were the steps toward reconciliation taken?
Reconciliation, after long years of brutality, is always hard.
The ground is not exactly fertile for reconciliation to take root.
David told Anna that Mona will leave for her native place tomorrow.
David told Anna that Mona left for her native place the Next day.
David told Anna that Mona would be leaving for her native place tomorrow.
David told Anna that Mona would for her native place the Next day.