Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
If you will not hurry, you will miss the plane
If you shall not hurry, you will miss the train
If you did not hurry, you will miss the plane
If you do not hurry, you will miss the plane
Each man and woman get a stilling
Every star and every planet are the handi-work of god
No relative and no friend cares me
official poll of public opnion
unofficial survey of public opinion
and a delegation of businessmen
along with a delegation of businessman
along with a delegation of businessmen
and a delegation of business society
We were thinking of going but didn't because of the rain
We were determined to go as soon as the rain stopped
We had definitely decided to go but the rain stopped us
We are not allow to go because of the rain
Rony's father will not let Sumon go to the cinema
Rony's father lets him go to the cinema but Sumon's does not
Sumon and Rony go to the cinema but their fathers do not
both Sumon's and Rony's father will not let them go to the cinema
let a thief catch a thief
set a thief to catch a thief
some money and some food for doing some work
he was not interested in the money
the farmer was well known as a mean man
ate three poor meals and did no work
ate three good meals and did not work
did some work and ate three small meals
did some work and ate three large meals
knew that the was a mean man
had enough strength to work hard for him
ate very little and worked as possible
was happy and well-fed and didn't get too tired
the tramp had got nothing from the farmer
each of them had got something from the other
neither of them had got anything from the other
the farmer had got nothing from the tramp
the tramp didn't know what the farmer wanted him to do
the tramp was not willing to do what the farmer wanted
the tramp was willing to do what the farmer wanted
the tramp didn't line the dinner
only one of his meals at the right time of day
all his meals at the right time of day
all his meals at the wrong time of day
only one of his meals at the wrong time of day
The tramp started to work after breakfast
The tramp was able to eat three meals because none of time was big
The farmer said he didn't need 25 pence
The tramp said he would not work because he was still hungry
than it retains more heat
a period of being carerfree
p period of having youthful life
a person who begs from door to door