What was the role of Edward Lioyd's coffee house in the development of insurance market?
What acted behind the development of the idea of reinsurance and why?
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The stated intention of most regulators is to maintain stability within the financial services sector, thereby protecting the consumers whom banks serve and the 'real' economy which the industry supports. Every shock to the financial system must result in casualties. Left to itself, natural selection should work fast to eliminate the weakest institution in the market, which typically are gobbled up by the successful. But most crises also usher in new rules and regulations, as legislators and regulators rush to stabilize the financial system and to protect consumers who are also voters. The critical point is that the possibility of extinction cannot and should not be removed by excessively precautionary rules. As Joseph Schumpeter wrote more than seventy years ago, 'This economic system cannot do without the ultima ratio of the complete destruction of those existences which are irretrievably associated with the hopelessly unadapted.' This meant, in his view, nothing less than the disappearance of 'those firms which are unfit to live'. It remains to be seen whether the extraordinary measures taken by Western governments since September 2008 will have the desired effect of preventing complete breakdown of the financial system or whether they will in fact end up impeding the process of financial evolution.
Green Financing