Choose the correct voice from the following: 'Minu sings a song'
A song is sung by Minu.
A song is sing by Minu.
A song is being sing by Minu.
A song was sing by Minu.
কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?
Either he or me is mistaken.
Many a man has done so.
Everyone of the girls love to dance.
He gave me an advice.
Choose the pair of words that expresses a relationship similar to that of given pair --- Words : Writer
Laws : Policeman
Butter : Backer
Chalk : Black board
Joy : Emotion
কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ?
The Countable form of 'laughter' is -
'We made her recite a poem' (Passive)