Social networking on websites is a social and technological innovation that cannot be ignore anymore in the workplace. The preponderance and ubiquity of online social networks in recent ye has caused business leaders to think about their effect on business processes. More and more peo are using social networking sites to connect to friends and family. search for business cont collaborate on work processes that cut across organizational hierarchies, and create databases social interests, news links, and affiliations that may influence their buying decisions. Organization that learn and adapt faster to social networking trends will have a clear advantage in the mat place and ultimately increase their bottom lines.
There are three basic types of social networking websites: ‘free-for-all’ social websites, include Facebook, MySpace, Ning, and Friendship; professional websites, including LinkedIn, FastPitch, a Plaxo; and industry-specific websites like 1-Meet and Research Gate.
When it comes to social networking in the workplace, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. T benefits of social networking platforms vary based on platform type, features and the comp itself. Social networking platforms may allow organizations to improve communication u productivity by disseminating information among different groups of employees in a more efficient manner. While it is not meant to be all- inclusive, the list below outlines some of the position advantages and disadvantages of social media use by workplaces.
Possible advantages:
Possible disadvantages:
Social networks have evolved into a mix of socializing and working, and lead to a degree sacrificing privacy. Many businesses are struggling with the use of social networking sites a might benefit from the following changes. A necessary first step for any company is to creat social networking policy. By setting a policy, employees know the company's rules regarding use of social networking sites. In addition to establishing a policy for employees, a company want to determine how much use will be made of social networking sites for marketing purposes.
A company should work with, not against, social networking websites. Working against social networking websites is unproductive. Companies that fight the advancing technology are fighting a losing battle. Technology constantly the environment in which a company operates and management should be aware of these changes. It is in the best interests of a company to know what websites are available to its employees, be willing to grant access to certain websites to keep employees productive, and be able to monitor usage of social networking websites.