Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
on account of their living
the protein in rise is higher quality than that in
rice has protein of higher quality than that in
the protein in rice is higher in quality than it is in
rice protein is higher in quality than it is in
No tax should be imposed on education related activities
Harmful coaching centers get lgeal recognition once they pay taxes .
Coaching centers are not under the control of the Ministry of Education
Students are not able to do well without help of coaching centers .
There are certain disadvantages for the Bangladesh economy attached to devaluation
The prospect of devaluation results in a speculative outflow of funds.
The difference between imports and exports in called the Trade Gap.
It is possible that inflation neutralized the beneficial effects of devaluation
C is not at the first place
People should not be held accountable for the behavior of other people.
People have control over their own behavior.
People cannot control the behavior of other people.
People have control over behavior that is subject to capital punishment .
Planes are inspected more often than cars.
The number of car accidents is several hundred thousand times higher than the number of plane accidents.
Pilots never fly under the influence of alchohol, while car drivers often do.
Plane accidents are usually the fault of air traffic controllers, not pilots.
massive tribal welfare program is launched by the government in bandarban.
A Massive tribal welfare program has been launched by the government in Bandarban.
The government in Bandarban has launched a massive tribal welfare program.
The government in Bandarban has been launched a massive tribal welfare program.
the High court division and the Appellate division.
the Seasons division and the High Court Division.
the Magistrate Court and the Session Court.
The International Crimes Tribunal and the High Court Division.
the edge of the needle is pointed.
the ship is driven by powerful engine.
specific gravity of the needle is greater than that of water displaced by it.
World Bank's Sustainable Environment Development Division.
United Nations Environment Programme.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
Trade Related Investment Measures.
General Agreement on Tariff and Trade.
the structure of the government.
increasing the age of the judges of the Supreme Court.
th removal of judges of the Supreme Court.
abolishing the reserved seats for women.
Chinese people eat fish and vegetables less than Japanese people.
There are more Chinese men than Japanese men.
China produces plenty of rice.
Chinese people are historically more dependent on rice than the Japanese people.
Permanent Court of Justice.
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.
International Court of Justice.
Permanent Court of Arbitration.
তুমি এত ঘন ঘন ও বাড়িতে যাও এ আমি চাইনা।
যেখানে যাব সেটা আপনাদেরই বাড়ি।
যা বলবার উনি নিজেই ওখানে বলুন না।
যা না, দ্যাখ্ না ওখানে কে বসে আছে।
বার বার সে কামান গর্জে উঠল।
সকল সভ্যবৃন্দ এখানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন।
সকল সভ্য এখানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন।
সভ্যগন এখানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন।
দশ জনের চক্রান্তে ন্যায় কে অন্যায় করা।
একতাই শক্তি, একাতে সম্ভব।
দশজনের চক্রান্তে ভগবানকে মিথ্যা প্রমাণিত করা।
প্রয়োজনে নিকৃষ্ট জিনিসের ব্যবহার।
keep the goods in the right place
Besides being clever, she is also perceptive.
Aside being clever, she is very perceptive.
Beside being clever, she is very perceptive.
Besides being clever, she is very perceptive.
People who are no longer living cannot give evidence.
People who are no longer living cannot suggest another.
People who are no longer living cannot lecture.
People who are leaving cannot give evidence.
She asked him what he wanted.
She asked him what he wants.
She asks him what he wants.
Neither Jack is intelligent nor hard working.
Though her is fat but he runs fast
As he is fat so he runs slowly
She speaks not only English but also Chinese
International Court of Justice
International Criminal Court
Permanent Court of Arbitration
International Crimes Tribunal, Bangladesh
শব্দ দুটিতে উপসর্গটি মোটামুটি একই অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে
শব্দ দুটিতে উপসর্গটি একই অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়েছ্
দুটি শব্দে উপসগৃটির অর্থ দু’রকম
দুটি শব্দে উপসর্গটির অর্থ আপাত বিচারে ভিন্ন হলেও আসলে এক
হাসেম কিংবা কাসেম এর জন্য দায়ী।
আজ্ঞা কর দাসে, শাস্তি নরাধমে।