Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
no unusual noises could be heard
than Chris heard no unusualo noises
and hearing no unusual noises
Chris heard no unusual noises
এখানে ওখানে ঘুরিয়া ফিরিতে ভেবে ভেবে হইতাম সারা
আমারে ছাড়িয়া এত ব্যথা যার কেমন করিয়া হায়?
এতটুকু তারে ঘরে এনেছিনু সোনার মতন মুখ
দাদি যে তোর কত খুশি হত দেখিতিস যদি চেয়ে
বস্তুবাদী দার্শনিক ও মুনি
Our view of colour is strongly affected by changing fashion
Analysis is complicated by the bewildering number of natural colours
Colours can have different associations in different parts of the world
Certain popular books have dismissed colour as insignificant
Cultural autonomy in the Bengal delta was celebrated after the birth of Bangladesh
The nation of Bangladesh gathers its strength form its language, unique regional style and quest for betterment
People of the Bengal delta have experienced many a projects of nation-building
National identity of the Bengali population was shifting from time to time
think in a way that equalises happiness and freedom
equate happiness with freedom
conclude that being happy and being free are the same
compare happiness and freedom equally
He had been seen leaving the house
He was seen to be leaving the house
Leaving the house he was seen by me
He was seen leaving the house
My mother told that she was happy in Australia, she had been seen many places,k when she was a child.
My mother said that I was happy in Auystralia. I had seen many places when I was a child.
My mother says that she was happy in Australia. She had been seen many places, when she was a child.
My mother says that she was happy in Australia. She had seen many places, when she was a child
Some important work to do
Justice Abu Sayeed Chowdhury
export is higher than import
import is higher than export
gross expenditure is higher than production
net expense is higher than net revenue
Binary Informatics Operating System
Basic Input Output System
Binary Information Operating Statistics
Basic Information Output System
research suggests the quality of parenting skills has deeriorated
today's scientific views of parenting seem to be flawed
there is a lack of parenting literature written in a straightforward way
the available advisory material does not reflect current academic thinking
Life is not bigger than the vastness of the world of poetry
Poetry helped Hakim Mulaqat Ali to bring more significance to his life
Poetry is an effective medicine for every kind of disease
Writing and reciting poetry makes every sad ones happy
Let the poll result be looked is hope inspired by hem?
Let the poll result be looked at - is hope inspired by them?
Let the poll result be looked at - has hope been inspired by them?
Let the poll result be looked at - is hope being inspired by them?
Ome woman told me that I should consult a doctor
One woman told me that I should consulted a doctor. Did not delay
One woman suggested me that I should consult a doctor. Did not delay
One woman requested me that I should been consult a doctor. Do not delay
Justice Abu Sayeed Chowdhury
Money earned from illegal source
Money earned from benami transactions
Money sent to abroad illegally
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
hyper Text Transmission protocol
Hyper Text Transfer Pathway
Hyper Transcript Transfer Pathway
Chancellor of University of Warwick
Chairman of Indian Boundary Committee
Lord Chancellor in Court of Chancery
Lord of Appeal in House of Lords
Supereme Court of Justice, Mexico
Gulf of mexico and Caribbean Sea
Adriatic Sea & Ionian Sea
straight from the horse's mouth
He was teaching the physically under privileged persons
He was working for the betterment of the deaf and the dumb
He established a school for the deaf and the dumb- the first of its kind
He was a very famous scientist of his times