Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
Dr. MA Patwary is an Environmentalist.
Dr. M A Patwary is an Environmentalism.
Dr. MA Patwary is a Environmentalist.
Dr. MA Patwary is the Environmentalist.
rof. Nurun Nabi is a population Scientist
Prof. Nurun Nabi is a Social Scientist
Prof. Nurun Nabi is a Demographer
It is time that the door to the close
It is time to be closed the door
It is time let close the door
He does not know how read the watch
My watch is slow every day
I saw him only once after that
It is very cold today, isn't it?
Today is very winter, isn't it?
It's very cold today, does it?
It is very cold today, is it?
Very Small Aperture Terminal
Very Small Aeronautics Techniques
Very Simple Academic Technology
A measure of the intensity of earthquake
A measure of the intensity of cyclone
Prof Dr. AASM Arifin Siddique
Biology and Earth Science
Life and Geographical Science
Transparency International
Ministry of Disaster Management
For a snake, shedding their skin
A snake's shedding its skin
When a snake sheds its skin
a child, I noticed, was watching
I noticed a child watching
a child was watching, I noticed.
there was, I noticed, a child watching
Insert actual before cost
ভালোকে ভালো বলব না তো কি?
এখানে কি ভালোটা তুমি দেখলে?
All feet thread not in one shoe
বুধবার, ২১ শে নভেম্বর; ১৯৮৬
৮৬, নিউ পল্ট, আজিমপুর, ঢাকা-১২০৫
লেখাপড়া করে যে - বাড়ি গাড়ি করে সে।
আহ্ ! কী করুণ দৃশ্য। জননী, আজ্ঞা দেহ যাই রণস্থলে।