Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
The topic was more perfect
My shirt is more whiter than Kamal's
It is the most unique among all
He is the better of the two
প্রসারণ ঘটে কিন্তু চাপের কোন পরিবর্তন ঘটে না
প্রকৃত ও আপাত উভয় প্রসারণ ঘটে
উহার চাপ ও তাপমাত্রার ওপর নির্ভরশীল
ডাল্টনের পারমানবিক তত্ত্ব
দ্রবনের উপাদান মিশ্রণের ফলে আয়তনের কোন সংকোচন বা প্রসারণ ঘটে না
দ্রবনটি ধনাত্মক বিচ্যুতি প্রদর্শন করে
দ্রবনটি ঋণাত্মক বিচ্যুতি প্রদর্শন করে
Stabillization of greenhouse gas concentration in atmosphere
Controlling greenhouse gas emission in selected reservoirs
Stabilzation of climte system in atmosphere
Controlling emission of oxygen in atmosphere
প্রাতঃকালে লোকটি গাত্রোত্থান করে।
বিয়ে করতে কড়ি, আর ঘর বার্ধতে দড়ি।
তারাশঙ্কর বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়
Some of the issues are contradictory in nature
They are understandable given the challenges modern life
They cause a disproportionate amount of stress in family relationships
The balance between work and family life is only a secondary problem
They want to live an adult life before they are mentally ready
They are unaware of the opportunities provided for them
They are unable to appreciate the value of money
They fail to demonstrate a sense of purpose
Its core objective has remained constant
Its ideology stems for contemporary social issues
It traditionally placed strong emphasis on the protection of the child
It currently benefits from techniques tried and tested by previous generations
Thero is an absence of consensus on child-rearing among the expert themselves
Educational policies should be revised in the light of recent findings
Strict parents tend to have children who are academically unsuccessful
One approach to child-rearing appears to be more effective than all others
Itrepeats theories which have no solid foundation
It pleaces too much importance on formal education
It encourages parents to neglect thier resposibilites
It undermines the role of friends in children's development
Practicing attention management means
The practice of attention management consists in
The practice of attention management can be described as
By practicing attention management what one does is
The method suggested in the lecture
enables a student to learn more quickly
and to have remembered for a longer period of time
The traveller said to the potter. "Where is the nearest inn?"
The traveller said to the potter, "Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?"
The traveller said the to the potter, "Which is the way to nearest inn?"
The traveller said to the potter, "Can you tell me where is the nearest inn?"