Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
রুদ্র মোহাম্মদ শহীদুল্লাহ
Economics of value additional
European Vanilla Association.
The man that said that was a fool
The man who said that was a fool
The man, that said that, was a fool
The man which said that was a fool
The higher your bill will be
Down into water went The Titanic
The Titanic went down into water
It is I who am responsible for the mismanagement
It is I who am responsible for the mismanage
It is I who responsible for the management
তরঙ্গ দৈর্ঘ্যে আপাতঃ বৃদ্ধি
কম্পন সংখ্যার আপাতঃ বৃদ্ধি
কম্পন সংখ্যার আপাতঃ হ্রাস
সে চেষ্টার কোন ক্রুটি করল না।
সে কোন পাথর উল্টাতে পারলনা।
সে পাথরটি উল্টানোর কোন চেষ্টাই করল না।
The decision was hang over.
The decision was hung over.
The decision was hang for.
Mr. Karim no longer works here.
Mr. Karim does not works here.
Mr. Karim none longer works here.
Mr. Karim not working here.
how many money you owe to me.
how much money you owe me.
you owe me how much money.
Prof Dr. AASM Arifin Siddique
To stand on one's own feet
Guests will wear evening dress
Guests will be worn evening dress
Guests will worn evening dress