The sum of the non-prime numbers between 40 and 50 , non -inclusive is
Two boards are being cut for a construction project. If the total length of the boards is 100 inches and the shorter board is 5 inches less than half the length of the longer board , what is the length of the shorter board?
In the accompanying diagram ABCD in a rectangle, The area of isosceles right triangle ABE=8 and EC =3BE , The area of ABCD is
A bag contains 58 purple jellebeans , 23 green jellybeas , and 19 yellow jellybeans, these jellybeans are the only items in the bag. If a person have to pickout in order to double the probability that a jellybean picked out of the bag at random would be a green jellybean?
Jim's Taxi service charges in initial fee of $ 2.25 at the beginning of a trip and an additional charge of $ 0.35 for each 2/5 a mile traveled . What is the total charge for a trip of 3.6 miles?
In a certain conservative mutual fund. 70 percent of the money is in vested in bonds , and of that portion , 40 percent is invested in highly rated corporate bonds . If at least $ 1.4 million in this what is the smallest possible total value for the mutual fund?
Four staff members at a certain company worked on a project. The amounts of time that the furn staff members worked on the project were in the ratio 2 to 3 to 5 to 6 If one of the four staff members worked o the project for 30 hours, which of the following CANNOT be the total number of hours that the for staff members worked on the project?
In a annutal behavior experiment , 50 tagged white pigeons and 200 tagged gray pigeons were released from a laboratory. Within one week, 88 percent of the white pigeons and 80.5 percent of the gray pigeons had returned to the laboratory. what percent of the total number of piegens returned to the laboratory?
A certain dentist specializes in implanting gold and silver teeth in his patients mouths .He charges $ 650 for a gold tooth an $ 325. for a silver tooth. If his told fees for implanting gold and silver teeth last week were $ 15, 925 in total and he implanted five more gold teeth that silver teeth, how many teeth in total did he implant over the week?
The pilot of a small aircraft with a 40 gallon fuel tank wants to fly to Cleveland , which is 480 miles engine , which can fly only 8 miles per gallon, will not get him there , By how many miles per gallon must the aircraft's fuel efficiency be improved to make the fight to Cleveland possible?
A standard veggiematik machine can chop 36 carrots in 4 minutes. How many carrots can 6 standard Veggiematik machines chop in 6 minutes?
ABCD is a square of side 10. AFC is an are of a circle with the center at D and radius 10. AGC is an are of a circle with the center at B and radius 10. Find the area of AFCG/
A retailer sells 5 shirts, The first 2 he sells for $ 64 and $ 39. If the retailer wishes to sell the 5 shires ts for an overall average price of over $ 50 , what must be the minimum average price of the remaining 3 shirts?
If a set of Numbers consists of 1/4 and 1/6 what number can be added to the set to make the average also equal to 1/4?
Two positive integers differ by 7 . The sum of their squares in 169 . Find the larger integer.
A case of 12 rolls of paper towels sells for $ 9. The cost of one roll sold individually is $ 1. what is the percent of savings per roll for the 12 roll package over the cost of 12 rolls purchased individually?
what number should replace the question mark/
You have a range of weights from 1-10 units. They are all single weights.which one should you use to balance the scale , and where should you place it?
At a Luncheon table where 20 men are seated, one -half of then men belong to club A, one -fourth belong to club B and one-tenth to both clubs , how many men belong to neither?
If a eggs weight ab ounces each, c eggs weight from d to e ounces each, and f eggs weight from g to h ounces each. what is the mininum seight of all the eggs/
One -third of a number is 17 more than one-fourth of that number . What is the number?
If 40% if j is equal to 50% of K, then j is
The length of a rectangle is one greater than three times its width. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 26 feet. what is the area of the rectangle?
If 35% of 400 is 20% of x, then x=?
A box is made in the form of a cube . If a second cubical box has inside dimension four times of the first box ,how many times as much does it contain?
Radius of circle center 0 is 3 times the radius of circle center C. Angle ACB -A angle POQ. If the shaded are of circle C is 2 then what is the area of then shaded part of circleO?
If the diameter of a circle is 12 . then the area of the circle is
How many liters of a 60% iodine solution need to be mixed with 30 liters of a 30% iodine solution to create a 50% iodine solution?
In the accompanying diagram ABCD in a rectangle . The area of isosceles right triangle ABE= 8 , and EC = 3BEA. The area of ABCD si
ABCD is a square of side 8 AFC is an are of a cricle with the center at D and radius 8 . AGC is an are of a circle with the center at B and radius 8. Find the area of AFCG.
If wzyz=360 , which of the following cannot be a value of w?
Two boards are being cut for a construction project . If the total length of the boards is 100 inches and the shorter board is 5 inches less than half the length of the longer board, what is the length of the shorter board ?
In a certain growth fund , 3/5 of the investment capital is investment in stocks, and of that portin, 1/3 is invested in preferred stocks. If the mutual fund has $ 8,64,000 invested in preferred stocks , what is the total amount of money invested in the fund?
In a sample of associates at a law firm, 35 percent are second yer associates, and 55 percent are not first -year associates. That percentage of the associates at he law firm have been there for more than two years?
A certain lab experiments with white and brown mice only. In one experiment , 2/3 of the mice are how many mice in total are in the experiment?
Four staff members at a certain company worked on a project. The amounts of time that the furn staff members worked on the project were in the ratio 3 to 4 5 to 6 . If one of the four staff members worked on the project for 60 hours, which of the following CANNOT be the total number of hours that the four staff members worked on the project ?
A travel company wants to charter to plane to the Bahamas. Chartering the plane costs $ 8,000 . So far 18 people have signed up for the trip. If the company charges $300 per ticket , how many more passengers must sing up for the trip before the company can make any profit on the charter ?
A restaurant orders 150 kg of pumpkins from the farmer's market. The farmer fills the order with 23 pumpkins. The average mass of the first 20 pumpkins is 6.5 kg. What must be the minimum average mass of the remaining 3 pumpkins to fill the order?
A grocer has 400 pounds of coffee in stock, 20 percent of which is decaffeinated. If the grocer buys another 100 pounds of coffee of which 60 percent is decaffeinated, what percent, by weight, of the grocer's stock of coffee is decaffeinated?
A farmer with 1,350 acres of land had planted his fields with corn, sugar cane, and tobacco in the ratio of 5:3:1, receptively, but he want to make more money, so he shifted the ratio to 2: 4:3 respectively. How many more acres of land were planted with tobacco under the new systems?
Last year's receipts from the sale of greeting cards during the week before Mother's day totaled $ 189 million. which represented 9 percent of total greeting card sales for the year totaled how many million dollars?
The Mega Tek Corporation is displaying its distribution of employees by department in a circle graph. The size of each sector of the graph respresenting a department is proportional to the percentage of total employees in that department . If the section of the circle graph representing the manufacturing department takes up 72 degree of the circlet , what percentage of Mega Tek employees are in manufacturing?
In a sample of associates at a low firm. 30 percent are second -year associates, and 60 percent are not first-year associates . That percentage of the associates at the law firm have been there for more than two years?
If a man walks H miles in w hours and then rides R miles in the same length of time, what is his average fate for the entire trip?
If M men can complete a job in H hours , how long will it take 5 men to do this job?
If n and p are both odd numbers, which of the following numbers must be an even numbers?
A shirt and a pant currently have the same price . If the price of a shrt raised by 8% and the price of a pant goes up by 2% how much more will it cost to buy 3 shirts and 2 pants.
Mr. Walker travels Y miles in z hours and then w miles in x hours. How many hours will be needed to travel 750 miles if he maintains this average rate?
Which of the following fractions is the largest?
If 4 cows produce 4 cans of milk in 4 days , how many days does it take 8 cows to produce 8 cans of milk?